When I sat down to watch the new Star Wars movie on Dec. 18, 2015, I didn’t know what to expect. I knew I had to go the first day because it would be the only day to assess the movie [...]
When Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders began their presidential campaigns, I felt as many Americans did. I thought Trump’s move was a brazen act of self interest. I thought Sanders’ [...]
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page [...]
Welcome to The Wright Angle. In this space, I will write my thoughts and ideas on a variety of subjects. The Irish have an old proverb that states, “May you live in interesting [...]
Donec tincidunt sapien eleifend, rutrum diam et, eleifend turpis. Phasellus auctor odio ante, ut vulputate sem dictum ac. Pellentesque consectetur venenatis nisl. Aliquam vitae est vel eros [...]
Nunc dapibus eget lorem non maximus. Aliquam id tincidunt elit, at hendrerit dolor. Mauris eget metus et lectus faucibus placerat. Morbi elementum, lectus pulvinar sagittis pellentesque, neque [...]