The Wright Angle Explained

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Welcome to The Wright Angle.  In this space, I will write my thoughts and ideas on a variety of subjects.  The Irish have an old proverb that states, “May you live in interesting times.”  There has never been a time more interesting than the one we have right now.

The Wright Angle is my way of making you think.  It is my way of introducing topics and points of conversation that might be different than the way people view them now.  The common thread is communication.  We live in an era where communication has never been easier and yet never been more difficult.  Here is the proof.  Ask yourself when was the last time you sent a text.  The answer came pretty quick, I’ll bet.  Now, ask yourself this question.  When was the last time you wrote a letter to a friend or loved one.  Take your time. I’ve got all day.

There is a benefit to such quick communications, such as texting, but there is a loss as well.  We have gained speed in our communication at the cost of depth and context.  We’ve increased our ability to act and decreased our ability to feel.  These issues are the ones I plan to explore here.

Join me in these conversations and we can begin to understand why we are who we are and, most importantly, figure out if this is the direction we want to go.  It will be a heck of a ride… so jump this train of thought whenever you like.

Dr. Patrick Wright


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